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The Spyglass Web API provides access to various information that is helpful for data pack/resource pack toolings. It uses misode/mcmeta and SpyglassMC/vanilla-mcdoc under the hood and provides a few advantages over using the GitHub API directly:

  • Accessible within mainland China.

  • Cache invalidation is handled through standard HTTP headers like ETag and If-None-Match; no more git commit sha hackery needed on client side.

  • Cleaner?

General Usage

The Spyglass API root endpoint is Clients must identify themselves using the User-Agent HTTP header; requests without the User-Agent header will be rejected.

Error Handling

All error responses (HTTP status code 4xx and 5xx) will include a JSON body with the following structure:

  • message: (str) A human readable message describing the error details.

Conditional Requests

All API endpoints include an ETag header in the response. Clients should cache the value of ETag along with the response body if possible, which can be achieved using the CacheStorage API on browsers. For future requests at the same endpoint, clients should include the value of ETag in the If-None-Match request header. A 304 Not Modified response will be returned if the resource has not changed since the last response.


Each API endpoint has a point cost depending on how expensive it is to serve the request. Each IP address can consume up to 100 points per one hour window before receiving 429 Too Many Requests responses. Additionally, the response time will be degraded starting from 150 requests per 15 minute window.

Table 1. Point Costs
Type Points

Conditional requests that end up with 304 Not Modified responses


Non-tarball requests


Tarball requests


Number of remaining points is provided through the RateLimit-Remaining response header. When 429 Too Many Requests responses are received, the client must wait at least Retry-After seconds before trying again.


POST /hooks/github

Not for third party use. This endpoint accepts GitHub Webhook deliveries to update the local Git repositories.