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The config file can be put under the root of your workspace with either of the following names.

  • spyglass.json

  • .spyglassrc.json

There’s no support for multiple config files or inheriting/overriding config files yet.

Example File

	"env": {
		"dataSource": "GitHub",
		"dependencies": [
		"feature": {
			"codeActions": true,
			"colors": true,
			"completions": true,
			"documentHighlighting": true,
			"documentLinks": true,
			"foldingRanges": true,
			"formatting": true,
			"hover": true,
			"inlayHint": {
				"enabledNodes": [
			"semanticColoring": true,
			"selectionRanges": true,
			"signatures": true
		"gameVersion": "Auto",
		"language": "Default",
		"permissionLevel": 2,
		"plugins": [],
		"mcmetaSummaryOverrides": {},
		"useFilePolling": false
	"format": {
		"blockStateBracketSpacing": { "inside": 0 },
		"blockStateCommaSpacing": { "before": 0, "after": 1 },
		"blockStateEqualSpacing": { "before": 0, "after": 0 },
		"blockStateTrailingComma": false,
		"eol": "auto",
		"nbtArrayBracketSpacing": { "inside": 0 },
		"nbtArrayCommaSpacing": { "before": 0, "after": 1 },
		"nbtArraySemicolonSpacing": { "after": 1 },
		"nbtArrayTrailingComma": false,
		"nbtByteSuffix": "b",
		"nbtCompoundBracketSpacing": { "inside": 0 },
		"nbtCompoundColonSpacing": { "before": 0, "after": 1 },
		"nbtCompoundCommaSpacing": { "before": 0, "after": 1 },
		"nbtCompoundTrailingComma": false,
		"nbtDoubleOmitSuffix": false,
		"nbtDoubleSuffix": "d",
		"nbtFloatSuffix": "f",
		"nbtListBracketSpacing": { "inside": 0 },
		"nbtListCommaSpacing": { "before": 0, "after": 1 },
		"nbtListTrailingComma": false,
		"nbtLongSuffix": "L",
		"nbtShortSuffix": "s",
		"selectorBracketSpacing": { "inside": 0 },
		"selectorCommaSpacing": { "before": 0, "after": 1 },
		"selectorEqualSpacing": { "before": 0, "after": 0 },
		"selectorTrailingComma": false,
		"timeOmitTickUnit": false
	"lint": {
		"blockStateSortKeys": null,
		"nbtCompoundSortKeys": null,
		"selectorSortKeys": null,

		"commandStringQuote": null,
		"nbtKeyQuote": null,
		"nbtPathQuote": null,
		"nbtStringQuote": null,
		"selectorKeyQuote": null,

		"idOmitDefaultNamespace": null,

		"nameOfNbtKey": null,
		"nameOfObjective": null,
		"nameOfScoreHolder": null,
		"nameOfTag": null,
		"nameOfTeam": null,

		"nbtArrayLengthCheck": true,
		"nbtBoolean": null,
		"nbtListLengthCheck": null,
		"nbtTypeCheck": "loosely",

		"undeclaredSymbol": [
				"then": { "declare": "block" }
	"snippet": {
		"executeIfScoreSet": "execute if score ${1:score_holder} ${2:objective} = ${1:score_holder} ${2:objective} $0",
		"summonAec": "summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {Age: -2147483648, Duration: -1, WaitTime: -2147483648, Tags: [\"${1:tag}\"]}"

Environment Settings

TODO: Find a way to generate the docs and the Config interfaces from one single source of truth.

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